台湾 June 2015 1日目 / Taiwan June 2015 1st day



We arrived the  hotel in the AM, so we could not check in yet. We left our luggage at the hotel and went to lunch.


To the restaurant, we rode a subway. The subway is like a Japanese subway, the town atmosphere  too. EASYCARD, like Suica (Japanese prepaid card for train),  is a useful prepaid card.  

台湾最初の食事は定番の鼎泰豊 / 信義店。12:00頃だったので人だかりが出来てましたが、整理券+電光掲示板+マイクでのアナウンスで順番はわかりやすいです。30分待ちでしたが、メニューが置いてあるので、吟味していれば、すぐに順番が来ますよ。小龍包はもちろん炒め物やスープも頼んだけど、ひたすら小龍包(とビール)でも良かったかも。


Our first meal in Taiwan was at Dintaifung / Xinyi Store (鼎泰豊 / 信義店) ,famous xiaolongbao restaurant. Around noon, many people were there. They managed the waiting list by numbers and announced by microphone and electric board. So we could know our turn easily. We waited about 30mins, but it was not too long since we checked the menu. We placed orders, of course, several kinds of xiaolongbao, stir-fried and vegetables, beef soup. But only the xiaolongbao (and beer) I recommend.



【鼎泰豊 小籠包 / Dintaifung Xiaolongbao】



After lunch, we enjoyed working and eating. We ate green onion rice cake at a food cart and shaved ice. It became the evening, we went to Jiufen (九份), today's main event. We went by bus, a bus stop located near the Zhongxiao Fuxing station (忠孝復興站). The bus stop was easy to be found because a guide and many tourists were there. We paid the bus fee by EASYCARD.



ICE MONSTER かき氷 / ICE MONSTER shaved ice




If you want to go up to  Jiufen, get off the bus at Jiufen bus stopIf you want to go down, at Jiufen Old Street (九份老街) bus stop. If you want to ride the bus on the return path, I recommend you to get off at Jiufen bus stop. Because many tourist ride the bus at Jiufen Old Street bus stop. Actually, we went down, so we could not ride the bus. After all, we took the taxi to our hotel. I asked a tax driver to go near the station,  Ruifang (瑞芳), but he ignored my request...  But I think this was a good decision, it was past 19:00 and we did not have dinner.



 【九份老街 / Jiufen Old Street】





We arrived the hotel, we went to dinner. We were too tired to go to the Night market, so we went to a nearby restaurant, Acheng Goose(阿城鵝肉)Unfortunately, their signature food, goose cuisine, was sold out. But, unexpectedly (excuse me!), the juicy roast pork, bamboo shoots and Chinese cabbage we ordered were nice!

With that, our first day finished!



【阿城鵝肉 / Acheng Goose